One Mission Podcast
One Mission Podcast
Convention Series: Dr. Willie McLaurin - One Mission
During the Alabama Baptist Convention, Dr. Lance was able to sit with Dr. Willie McLaurin to discuss current issues in SBC life for conventions nationwide and within Alabama. Dr. McLaurin also reflects on his life and some important ways to pray for him and his ministry.
Ways mentioned to pray:
- His wife will always feel loved not lonely.
- His children will feel like rewards and not rentals.
- He would keep the main thing, the main thing.
- Not to take side roads but to have a non-anxious presence and wisdom to discern what is most important.
- Dismiss Positional Idolatry: The position would not define Dr. McLaurin, but the words of the Lord will define him.
The One Mission Podcast is a production of the Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions.
Rick Lance (00:00):
Welcome to One Mission, the podcast, and glad to have my dear friend, Dr. Willie McLaren to be here. He is the pr, uh, interim or acting president and CEO of the Southern Baptist Executive Committee, and is doing a superb job. I want you to know that Alabama Baptist love you, and that's, that's why you're here to speak to us. Uh, we're having this theme, celebrate Yeah. As you well know, and you're helping us celebrate how things are going, like how God is working in Baptist life, and that's really what we wanna talk about.
Willie McLaren (00:30):
Sure. Sure.
Rick Lance (00:31):
Cell Baptist Convention was of, you know, founded in 1845. Yes. Next year, our state convention will celebrate our 200th anniversary. Wow. And we're the third oldest state convention. We were instrumental in founding the convention in the Augusta, Georgia in 1845, leading pastors here. And throughout all that history of this and some things we are not proud of. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> there things that were good, but the good, the bad, the ugly God has used it despite ourselves in so many different ways. Yeah. He's brought us to this present point where you and I as brothers can be sitting here and talking and that that kind of gives me chill bumps. Yeah. <laugh>, that we could do that <laugh>. And for me to, um, just be one of your friends and one of your partners, and also to hopefully see you as our named leader in the future. I, Alabama Baptist, already know I feel that way, but I wanted to say that to you. Yeah.
Willie McLaren (01:27):
Well, thank you
Rick Lance (01:28):
Willie. Uh, can you give us an idea, and especially during the state convention season, you travel a lot and I'm sure you just, can you give us a little summary of where all you've been and what it's been like in those state convention settings? Yeah.
Willie McLaren (01:41):
So, hey, thank you first of all for just privilege just to hang out with you. Yes. Have a power side chat, and, uh, man, God's just really up to us some amazing things. And already, uh, I've been to several, uh, state conventions. I've been to New York and, uh, been out to, uh, the Utah Idaho Convention. Oh, great. And, uh, spoke at the Nevada Convention and the Montana Convention, and then, uh, was out at the South Carolina Convention. Yeah. Uh, Florida Baptist Convention. And now I'm at the Alabama Convention, and I'm sure I'm missing one or two of those, but I think probably, probably 10 or 12 conventions I have the privilege of having, uh, to speak at and
Rick Lance (02:20):
In general, was the spirit pretty good at those
Willie McLaren (02:22):
Things? Men The spirit is excellent. There's a, just a great spirit of prayer, a spirit of worship, and, uh, the attendance was just really rich at every one of the places that I went.
Rick Lance (02:32):
Well, we sense this in this convention setting that it's Yeah. All about our Lord and we're worshiping That's right. Theme being. That's right. Celebrate. We're trying to celebrate what God has done is doing. Yes. And we'll do in the future as a state convention partner, we want you to know that we look to the S B C E C and all of our entities we're very supportive in the main, I would, I'm doing a bit of bragging here, but in the main, I would actually believe we're among the most loyal of Southern Baptist to the Southern Baptist Convention. And I know we've had the bumps in the road, and I've always said, Willie and may have said this to you, I've been around long enough to know when Southern Baptist go through some difficult times, even chaotic times. Yes. They always come out at the right place at the right time, given all the clunkiness it may be. And, and I know you're instrumental in helping us, and I want you to know you've been on our prayer list in the past, and you will continue to be
Willie McLaren (03:28):
Well thank you.
Rick Lance (03:29):
And we want you to know that. But tell us a little bit about what you see happening in positive ways and maybe even talk about some of the others if, uh, other matters if you wish. What to look forward to is we're fast approaching New Orleans. My goodness. Uh, we're almost out of 22 and 23. Here we come. We just share a little bit. Well,
Willie McLaren (03:50):
Here's what I'm really excited about. So we just came through really kind of the end, if you would, of the Global pandemic. And man, all of the economists were projecting that giving is going to be down and that we're gonna experience some of our worst days. But that has really been opposite of that among Southern Baptists in a season where pennies are having to be pinched and spending has had to be strategic. Southern Baptists have actually given more, uh, in this past given year than they've given in the past 15 years. In fact, uh, most of us are still celebrating the fact that we exceeded, uh, the National Cooperative Program budget by 10 and a half, uh, million. Uh, as I travel around the state conventions, every one of the state conventions, they're finding ways to give more and to Right. Push more toward, uh, national, uh, causes.
And I'm really encouraged by that. The other thing that I'm really encouraged about is I'm really encouraged about the intentional focus that's been put on just trying to limit and really eliminate all instances of sexual abuse. I think just the fact that we're having that conversation, um, that's healthy. Yeah. And, uh, I tell people all the time that when you don't know how to talk about something, you oughta be able to pray about it. Yeah. And so I'm seeing more and more people just really return to the heart of prayer. And I'm prayerful that as we move toward New Orleans and as we move toward 2023, that we're going to have an opportunity to really put a fine tune on what it means to elevate the Ministry of Prayer in our local churches. And the reason why is because I believe this, that if prayer is not the foundation, um, the foundation's going to fall apart.
Rick Lance (05:35):
Amen to that. Yeah. Amen. Might I inject Yeah. You already know this, but Alabama Baptist last 15 or more years long have been the leading contributor among state conventions.
Willie McLaren (05:47):
Alabama is number one, not just in football, football,
Rick Lance (05:51):
<laugh>. Yeah. That's kind of tough year. Yeah.
Willie McLaren (05:53):
Rick Lance (05:54):
I've always said that around approximately 10% of Yes. The S B C CP budget. That's right. On some Alabama.
Willie McLaren (06:01):
That's right. That's exactly
Rick Lance (06:02):
Right. And then of course, I've heard Paul Chitwood talk about the, if you add it all up through the years through cooperative program and Lottie Moon special giving Alabama's number one there, which came to a surprise to me.
Willie McLaren (06:14):
Right, right,
Rick Lance (06:15):
Right. And, um,
Willie McLaren (06:16):
In fact, what what many people don't know is that, uh, in the history of the cooperative program, churches all across the country have given at least $20 billion to the cooperative program. And Alabama Baptist has led the way and they've given over 1.5 billion. Yeah. Billion with a B that's a big deal. And the population of Alabama is not just not that large of a population. No, it is not. But the people here have been ate and they've been sacrificial in their given, I just wanna say thank you.
Rick Lance (06:47):
Well, thank you. Yeah. For allowing us to partner. And just as a reminders our listeners, we're a true, pure your
Willie McLaren (06:54):
Truth. This is exactly our 50
Rick Lance (06:55):
50 and no special shared items.
Willie McLaren (06:58):
No funny stuff going on.
Rick Lance (07:00):
No. Well, we never would let funny stuff go on. But, um, and, and the landscape, as we talk about the sexual abuse challenges we've had, uh, it, it does take and way we're structured. It does take faith organizations, uh, pretty good long period of time to work through that. Yeah. And, and as we've looked in recent history, what we might call recent history, and I think from my standpoint, we're kind of on track with that. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, we, we've had to, uh, struggle to get, get our right balance, but I think we're headed the right direction. Uh, I talked last week with our presidents SPC President, Barb Barber. I was encouraged by some of the things he said related to that, and they didn't share a whole lot of detail mm-hmm. <affirmative>, but I'm, we are praying for the implementation task force.
Willie McLaren (07:48):
Rick Lance (07:48):
Yeah. Yeah. Cause we think that that's gonna be crucial and that re regard. And we also, uh, we try to keep things simple in Alabama, not cause we're simple things. It just a simple agenda. It, it just diminishes conflict. Yeah. People understand what you're trying to do. Right. And so we say one mission, Uhhuh <affirmative> the Great Commission. Yeah. One program, the quality program, and then many ministries. Great Commission Ministries, which flow out of the Great Commission. I love
Willie McLaren (08:18):
Rick Lance (08:18):
So when we talk about the sbc, we talk about it in the same terms. Yeah. Yeah. We say we're a part of that family. Yes. And I just would like all of our listeners to know all Alabama Baptist, that we're glad to be a part of the s BBC Family Wars and all. And I might, it's gonna sound a little defensive, but I might say that I would rather have our problems than some of our brothers and sisters who are having and other faith.
Willie McLaren (08:41):
I understand. Totally. Yeah. Yeah.
Rick Lance (08:43):
Yeah. And in your work now in this relatively new role Yeah, yeah. Uh, what's, what's been a surprise or what's been something that's really caught you, uh, in a special way, uh, in terms of appreciation for what you've seen happen, uh, what you've learned about Southern Baptist, perhaps? Wow.
Willie McLaren (09:01):
You know, Southern Baptist, at the end of the day, man, they're really focused on just really trying to win people to the Lord Jesus Christ and get people off the road to hell and get them on the road to heaven. And folk, for the most part, they are really concerned about their zip code. Yeah. Um, they're concerned about trying to reach, uh, the people in their city and their town and, uh, and their state. And, um, our history is a dark history, but the miracle of that dark history is we serve a great God that writes the wrongs. And one of the things that has absolutely encouraged me has just been a guy who's, first of all, a brother in the Lord Jesus Christ, but, uh, just who just happens to be African-American man, just the warm reception everywhere. I mean, when I go to places like Montana and Utah where there are not very many African-Americans, uh, man, just the, the receptivity and beloved and the affirmation and the support, man, that encourages me. And if what I'm seeing now is any indication of the future, I think we're gonna be all right. And I've been telling people that there are no network of churches that are without their share of problems. But I believe the side of a healthy church, a healthy convention, a healthy network, is that they're able to navigate their problems and fulfill their mission at the same time. Amen. And that right there, that excites me.
Rick Lance (10:28):
Yes. And that is super healthy, as you described. Yeah. Last night I had the privilege to be a part of the inaugural chapter of the National African-American Fellowship. Okay. Got off to a good
Willie McLaren (10:38):
Start. Wow. That's
Rick Lance (10:40):
Exciting. Yes. And we had, uh, Dr. James Dixon to speak Yeah. Formally from Alabama, but now in Maryland who Dr. James Fred Luter was with us. He was also speaking at the Pastor's Conference, Uhhuh <affirmative>. And, uh, I just, my heart was warm to her testimonies about how they want plug in to our missions mobilization Yes. And how they wanna be a part of every enterprise that we're trying to do in Southern Baptist's life. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, we have been very intentional in, in making sure that the churches we plant are far more ethnic Yes. Black and ethnic than they are Anglo mm-hmm. <affirmative>. In fact, we are, we've moved very intentionally in that direction over the last 15 years or so. But it, and it really been ramped up in the last several years. It has. Really, uh, and we have a second vice president j uh, Jarman Leatherwood. Okay. Who is a jewel.
Willie McLaren (11:29):
Oh, wow.
Rick Lance (11:29):
Uh, you probably have met him and not you will, perhaps. So we're, we're glad and a state of Alabama with our history Yeah. Knowing what we've been through. And I'm old enough to have lived through the civil rights era, and, but I think God has used us despite ourselves. And although we, we'd like to go back and change some of our behavior, we understand. We learn from that. Yeah. And just like anyone else, in many ways, God disciplines us by looking back and seeing the things that could have been handled far differently and far more lovingly. We're all a part of God's kingdom. Our my blood is both red.
Willie McLaren (12:09):
He reminds me of the, of the, of Suring Ki Guard. Kirken guard, the 19th century Danish philosopher that says, life must be lived forward. Right. But can only be understood backwards and well, love about looking backwards is that the rear view mirror is just a small mirror. Yeah. You glance back from time to time. But that windshield is wide.
Rick Lance (12:28):
That's a good analogy. And
Willie McLaren (12:30):
There's so much before us, and I tell people, there's absolutely nothing that you and I can do about what happened yesterday. And there's nothing that we can do about what happened 50 years ago. But we can make a difference for what's gonna happen today and
Rick Lance (12:45):
Tomorrow. And that will resonate Willie among Right. Alabama Baptist, Southern Baptist, over the landscape of Right. Our Baptist life. That's right. And I think you've done a good job. I love your, I I would call it your motto or whatever your motif, <laugh>. I wanna be scripturally, uh, fed and spirit led. That's
Willie McLaren (13:03):
Right. That's
Rick Lance (13:04):
Right. Every time I'm around you, I remember that. Yeah. And tell us, you came to that probably thinking through and praying through, what is that sort of a descriptor of your
Willie McLaren (13:14):
Life? Well, really, really, when I came to, uh, this from two, my 287th day Oh yeah. Serving as the birthday president. Thank you, <laugh>. And, uh, so, so two really things that are really there for me. Really. My, my wife in ministry has been a ministry of unity. Yes. And the Ministry of Stability, and the idea of unity is where there's disunity. Um, I believe that God's calling and God's ministry upon my life is to come around people of all sorts of life and to help bring unity. And I, I hope that in this season, that if anything comes out of this season, that Baptist are more unified. And then the ministry of stability is, if you've ever gone to an orthopedic and they take X-rays or MRIs, they say, well, nothing's broke, but you've got some instability there. Yeah. And then they prescribe you a brace.
Well, that brace just provides the support that you needed. And so my, my job is to really try to come alongside pastors and churches and state conventions and leaders like you and just be a support. And so, as I thought through this idea of unity and stability, it was just really clear to me that the only way that I'm gonna lead at the highest levels are to depend on the Lord in prayer and to depend on the Lord in a steady dose of scripture. And so, thus, the phrase, yeah. I want to be scripture fed and spirit layered.
Rick Lance (14:35):
Well, that it couldn't be said any differently. Yeah. And what you just described, I, I've come up with something recent. I, I kind of analyzed things Sure. Almost like a Monday morning quarterback.
Willie McLaren (14:46):
Yeah. Yeah. But speaking of football, <laugh> Yes,
Rick Lance (14:48):
That's right. Well, that, those analogies come to mind because we lived through that and it, it's kind of an advocation Yeah, yeah. Recreation. But I see if, if we have clarity Yes. We can have stability. That's exactly right. And if we have clarity and stability, it leads to unity.
Willie McLaren (15:04):
That's right. That's
Rick Lance (15:05):
Exactly right. And I think that's what you are, you're a clarifier. Yes, sir. Stabilizer, therefore a unifier. Right. And I want you to know that we in Alabama Baptist want to continue to support and pray with you. Well, thank you. We know it's reciprocal. You're doing it. Us Well, thank you. Yeah. But we understand you have a big task ahead, but you're up to the task. I've told so many people that Willie has the package. Yeah. He has a demeanor, he has analytical mind, he has leadership skills, administrative skills, and relational skills that are almost indescribably Good. So I don't wanna puff you up. Well, but I do want to say, uh, in our mind, you're the guy.
Willie McLaren (15:45):
Well, thank you. Well, Alabama Baptist have invested in me over the years. You may not know this, but back in 2004, 2005 when I began working for Tennessee Baptist, uh, guys like Edwin Jenkins Yes. And Teman Knight and Jim Wittenberg and just Right. So many other guys, they brought me on to be a part of the Leader Lab. Yeah. I remember I was a leader lab participant, and then they had the audacity, but asked me to teach Wow. In the leader lab. And then those guys just became my, my big brothers and mentors. And so, uh, Alabama Baptists have just taken a, an intentional effort to invest in a guy like me. And man, I'm just, I'm incredibly grateful. And, uh, any success that the Lord does in my life and through in my ministry has been because, you know, almost 18 years ago Right. Alabama Baptists were willing to invest and be missionaries to a guy from Tennessee <laugh> Yeah. And make me better. And now, um, I think it's my reasonable service to come alongside and partner with Alabama Baptists, as you guys are making a difference for
Rick Lance (16:54):
Jesus. Perhaps one last question. Yeah. I, I studied military history, and I know not everybody that uhhuh listening to us, I, I won't better not get started on that, but go back way we went back when, but I, I always appreciate people who have served in the military. Yes, sir. You've done that. Yeah. And, uh, we, how has that helped you in ministry, especially in leadership you're in now,
Willie McLaren (17:17):
You know, um, for me, Psalm 78 and verse 72 has really been kind of a life verse for me. Yeah. You know, David shepherded them with integrity of heart and skillfulness of hands, and the integrity of heart deals with the character of the leader. And the stillfulness of hands deals with the competency. Yes. Uh, the time in the military, you develop deep character and you develop deep skill, and you develop deep competency, and you develop disciplines. And those disciplines that are developed in those time serving those disciplines, really, if you really unpack most of those principles, they're really found in the Bible.
Rick Lance (17:54):
Willie McLaren (17:55):
And so, those principles that I learned then, um, they are a part of my daily routine and daily rituals now. And I'll be incredibly grateful for those experiences. And, uh, when I look at Jesus' life, one of the, one of the, one of the experiences that I think carried over from the military that I saw in Jesus' life, and I wanna encourage pastors with this, is that Jesus wasn't always on, so to speak. Jesus engaged, he disengaged, and then he reengaged.
Rick Lance (18:28):
Willie McLaren (18:29):
And I think for me, um, the military experience allowed me to have a healthy balance of loving God, loving my wife, loving my family, loving the church, and then loving others.
Rick Lance (18:44):
Oh, amen. Good place to end. But I want you to know Yeah. I always ask every leader Yeah. Every friend, partner, how can we pray for
Willie McLaren (18:53):
You? So here's the prayer for me. I I'm glad for that. So, uh, I, my prayer is this, pray that my wife will always feel loved. Yes. And not lonely. Okay. And pray that my children will feel like rewards and not rentals. Oh, good. And I believe if, if, if, if, if I can love my wife well or love my children, well, um, that's a huge prayer request. And then the other prayer request will just simply be, uh, just to keep the main thing, the main thing. Ah. Um, there are so many side roads we can get into. Oh, distractions. Yeah. That's exactly right. And so, just pray that I would, uh, have a non-US presence. And then the last prayer request is that, um, I've always rejected positional idolatry. Yes. And so just pray that that will continue to be the norm. That I don't allow the position to define me, but, uh, I'm defined by who God says that I am.
Rick Lance (19:46):
Now, that is an excellent word. I want you to know, I'm always gonna know, I, I don't say this about many people, and this is a closing statement, but I want our listeners to know this. Not everyone I'm around is a calming presence, but when I'm around you, I'm calm, <laugh>. There's some people you get around, you kind of get a little <laugh> nervous or whatever. Yeah. A little agitated, but you've always been a calming presence. Well, thank you. And you are that as a leader. Thank you. Well, thank you listeners, and we have enjoyed being able to dialogue with our friend, Dr. Willie McLaren. Look forward to the next episode of One Mission, the podcast.