One Mission Podcast
One Mission Podcast
State Missionary Rick Barnhart - One Mission
Dr. Rick Lance, Lead State Missionary, visits with another one of your State Missionaries Rick Barnhart, Office Director in the Office of Associational Missions and Church Planting. Rick shares his personal testimony, discusses the Associational structures and responsibilities of Associational Missionaries, explains the process of the church planter pipeline, and shares some reflections on Send Relief's Serve Tour around the River Region and Montgomery. This episode of One Mission will give you a personal look into both lives and allow you to get to know one of your State Missionaries and their work on a deeper level.
Associational Missions - https://alsbom.org/ministries/associational-missions/
Church Planting - https://plantalabama.org/
The One Mission Podcast is a production of the Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions.