One Mission Podcast
One Mission Podcast
Associational Missionary Neal Hughes - One Mission
Meet one of the most genuine and friendly people to know, Dr. Neal Hughes. Some of the roles Neal has and is serving are as former pastor, Associational Missionary for Montgomery, Alabama and member of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) Executive Committee. You'll hear his testimony, call to missions, early ministry, what it means to be a part of the Executive Committee, the path forward for Southern and Alabama Baptists, and a recap of a very powerful event in Serve Tour Montgomery that impacted Montgomery and the surrounding River Region Associations.
Neal's request was to pray for pastors in the association in regards to the struggles of recent times that have weighed on their ministries.
Montgomery Baptist Association - mgmbaptists.org
Serve Tour - sendrelief.org/serve-tour/
SBC Executive Committee - sbc.net/about/what-we-do/sbc-entities/executive-committee/
The One Mission Podcast is a production of the Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions.