One Mission Podcast
The One Mission Podcast is hosted by Dr. Rick Lance, executive director of the Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions. In this podcast, we'll talk about issues related to church ministry.
One Mission Podcast
Bart Barber - One Mission
Alabama Baptist SBOM
Dr. Bart Barber, pastor of First Baptist Church Farmersville and current President of the Southern Baptist Convention, joins Dr. Lance for a conversation reflecting on some elements of the most recent convention meeting of 2023 in New Orleans. They discuss his reflection on being the president of the Southern Baptist Convention, the Law Amendment, the task force being assembled on cooperation, the impact of the Cooperative Program and its focus of advancing the Gospel around the world.
Praying for Bart, his family and church family:
- First Baptist Farmersville, being able to effectively continue in ministry while their pastor serves as president.
- His family as he is away with presidential responsibilities.
- He would be led to the right people in his many appointments over various areas before the 2024 meeting.
- Wisdom in general as he works through the many responsibilities of being president.
First Baptist Farmersville
Alabama CP
Cooperative Program (CP)
The One Mission Podcast is a production of the Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions.