One Mission Podcast
One Mission Podcast
Patty Burns and Belinda Stroud - One Mission
The State Missionaries over children and preschool ministries join Dr. Lance for a time of reflection on the impact of ministry to preschool and children. Belinda Stroud, Children's Specialist and Bible Drill Coordinator, shares some insight into her ministries and some stories that will move you with how God is using her efforts. Patty Burns, Preschool Ministry Specialist and VBS promoter, shares about her work with preschool ministries and some VBS numbers that demonstrate the power of the ministry in 2023. This includes Dr. Lance's own reflection on the power of VBS in helping him come to know the Lord and his commitment to Him ever since. The episode ends with Dr. Lance's reflection on the Myers-Mallory State Missions Offering and one of its namesakes Martha Myers. He demonstrates, through her ministry, how she is a shining example of the way preschool and children's ministries can impact a lifetime of service for the Lord.
The One Mission Podcast is a production of the Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions.