One Mission Podcast
The One Mission Podcast is hosted by Dr. Rick Lance, executive director of the Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions. In this podcast, we'll talk about issues related to church ministry.
One Mission Podcast
Jeff Iorg - One Mission
Alabama Baptist SBOM
Dr. Jeff Iorg, president of Gateway Seminary, joins Dr. Rick Lance on the podcast to discuss leadership. A subject Dr. Iorg is well known for due to things like his Lead On podcast, he and Rick dive deeply into their preferred descriptions and understandings of leadership in a way that will surely encourage you as you consider how you are a leader in your own life. You also get the chance to hear how Jeff decided to accept the Lord as his savior from a difficult background and, through years of discipleship, grew into his place of service now as the president of Gateway Seminary.
The One Mission Podcast is a production of the Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions.