One Mission Podcast
One Mission Podcast
Mark Gainey - One Mission
Mark Gainey visits Dr. Lance for this episode of One Mission Podcast. Both a pastor at First Fultondale and State Missionary at the Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions, among many other pursuits, his time on the show involves discipleship in the local church.
He shares elements you'll definitely want to tune in for:
- His testimony and call to the pastorate
- A personal illustration on his passion and how he has implemented discipleship
- His work on discipleship as a State Missionary serving the local church
- Favorite influences on discipleship
- Disciple Making Toolbox, his most recent book
- An encouragement to pastors/layleaders on discipleship
Helpful content links:
Disciple-Making Toolbox
4 Invitations
Church Leadership Podcast
Pop Faith Podcast
The One Mission Podcast is a production of the Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions.