One Mission Podcast
One Mission Podcast
Scott Pace - One Mission
Dr. Scott Pace, Provost, Professor of Preaching and Pastoral Ministry at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, joins Dr. Lance for a discussion on "calling out the called". The discussion begins with an overview of the challenge that is facing our Southern Baptist Churches in the need of people for taking up the positions available in our churches. Including full-time, part-time and bi-vocational roles. They transition from that aspect to discuss his book by the same name, co-authored with Shane Pruitt, but also many of Scott's other works, Expositional Leadership and his very practical, Preaching By the Book. They also advertise the forthcoming, Handbook of Contemporary Preaching. Rick and Scott also bond over their love for Alexander Maclaren and his practical approach to preaching.
Finally, Scott teases his preparation for the Called event coming up August for those feeling called into ministry, as we try to help meet the ever-growing needs mentioned prior.
You can pray for Scott as he asks for prayers for wisdom as he looks to follow God's leading through his life.
Link list:
- Calling Out the Called
- Expositional Leadership
- Preaching By the Book
- Handbook of Contemporary Preaching
- Called 2024
The One Mission Podcast is a production of the Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions.